The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 88-353
Full Name: Cristina Serban
Position: Assistant
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: 124 Mamaia Blvd. Constanta
Country: ROMANIA
Tel: 0721236189
Tel prefix: 0721
Fax: 0241618372
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Title of the Paper: Assessment of Evapotranspiration Using Remote Sensing Data and Grid Computing and Application
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Cristina Serban, Carmen Maftei, Alina Barbulescu
Email addresses of all the authors:,,
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: The estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) plays an essential role in all activities related to water resources management. In this study we developed a procedure to calculate the spatial distribution of evapotranspiration using remote sensing data. What distinguishes it from other procedures is the use of Grid Computing technique to calculate the evapotranspiration at regional scale and to manage the distributed data sets. One other merit is that it requires a small number of inputs, all other data such net radiation, soil heat flux, albedo, etc., were obtained from remote sensing data. This procedure calculates also the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and LST (Land Surface Temperature) and offer as a result the corresponding thematic maps. A Web-based client interface has been also built in order to provide the application with Internet-based accessibility. The procedure has been applied to the Dobrogea region located in the south-east of Romania, us!
ing a Landsat ETM+ image acquired in 7th June 2000. The evapotranspiration was retrieved during satellite overpass and integrated for 24 hours on pixel-by-pixel base for daily estimation. The estimated evapotranspiration has been compared with local measurements. The results obtained are promising and appear to provide acceptable estimation over the study area.
Keywords: remote sensing, Grid computing, evapotranspiration, land surface temperature
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: Estimation of Evapotranspiration Using Remote Sensing Data and Grid Computing: A Case Study in Dobrogea, Romania
Organizer of the Session: 646-631R
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