Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 19-510
Full Name: Alina Ciocarlan-Chitucea
Position: Assistant Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: Romana Square, nr.6, district 1, Bucharest
Country: ROMANIA
Tel: 021/ 319 19 00
Tel prefix: +4021
Fax: 021/ 319 18 99
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Title of the Paper: Management Practices from Small and Medium Enterprises within the Knowledge-Based Economy
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Dan Popescu, Iulia Chivu, Alina Ciocârlan-Chitucea, Cãtãlin-Valeriu Curmei, Daniela-Oana Popescu
Email addresses of all the authors:,,,;
Number of paper pages: 8
Abstract: The European Union is part of the group of countries with the most intense concerns and performance in supporting and encouraging small and medium enterprises. The importance attached to this type of organization is supported by the existence of strategic documents such as White Charter, adopted in 1985, and by organizing conferences entirely devoted to European SMEs. The aim of these international events is to create and promote an enabling environment to support small and medium sized companies. The group of most developed countries of the world that form the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has established the following main objectives in policies to support SMEs: increasing the living standards of people and ensuring financial stability as a catalyst for national economic growth, economic growth in EU countries but also in other countries in developing countries (Kelly, 2001). Economic activity is increased in sectors that intensively use k!
nowledge and technology and increase production and employment in high-tech sectors. Success in the knowledge based economy depends on the ability to innovate. Researchers (Prusak, Matson, 2006) have identified the following characteristic of the knowledge based economy: physical distances represent no longer an obstacle to economic development, communication, education, successful implementation of projects and integration into society, economic system is open the world. Key change involving the transition to a new kind of economy is not only the concern of the scientific world. Leaders of developed countries in European Union policy areas identified transition options to the new type of economy, the knowledge based economy: building an information society to citizens, by extending the Internet, electronic commerce, telecommunications, building a dynamic business environment, stimulating, developing small and medium enterprises, supporting scientific research as a vector !
of competitiveness and the enhancement of human resources, investing i
n education and training, promoting social protection systems and incentives to work.
Keywords: human resources development, internal marketing, knowledge-based economy, performances, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
Special (Invited) Session: Human Resources Development from Small and Medium Enterprises within the Knowledge-Based Economy
Organizer of the Session: 648-201R
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