Thursday, 14 October 2010

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 52-440
Full Name: Ali Aldosari
Position: Assistant Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: P.O.Box 2456
Tel: 00966551010052
Tel prefix: 0096614675353
Fax: 0096614675366
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Title of the Paper: Using remote sensing and digital image-processing techniques to produce a spatial GIS database system for geological hazard elements in the Al-Salt area
Authors as they appear in the Paper:
Email addresses of all the authors: Eyad H. Fadda, Ali A. Aldosari
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: In the Al-Salt area of Jordan, natural geological hazard events occur frequently because the area northeast of the Dead Sea is recognized as an active seismic zone. Many destructive earthquakes have occurred in this area. This study was focused on faults and landslides because these are the dominant events in the study area. Satellite images, geological maps and topographic maps were used to produce spatial Geographic information system GIS layers describing geological hazard elements. The mapped elements included faults, landslides and many other spatial features including lineaments, drainage patterns, road networks, vegetation, contour lines, slopes, aspects and residential areas. Faults, lineaments and landslide maps were extracted from the published geological map of the Al-Salt area (1:50 000 scale). The map was provided by the Natural Resources Authority of Jordan. Other features were extracted either from a topographic map or from satellite images of the st!
udy area. Digital image-processing techniques were performed on satellite images to enhance the required spatial features (i.e., faults and landslides). Several techniques were applied to the digital images, including false-color composite band ratio analysis, principal-component analysis and high-pass filtering. A Garmin hand-held GPS (model GPSMAP60CSx) was used to track and to map the city's recently constructed main ring road. The hand-held GPS was also used to locate positions of the faults and landslides in the study area. Finally, the produced GIS layers and their attributes were stored in a spatial GIS database using the Arc GIS software package. These layers could be used for retrieving data on the geological hazard elements and for producing a geological hazards map (or any other thematic map) for the Al-Salt area in Jordan.
Keywords: Remote sensing, Digital image-processing techniques, GIS, Geological hazards, Faults, Landslides
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session:
Organizer of the Session:
How Did you learn about congress: GIS, Remote sensing, Geology, Spatial database