The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 52-438
Full Name: Jingo Liao
Position: Ph.D. Candidate
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: No. 151, Ying-Chuan Road, Danshui Town, Taipei County
Country: TAIWAN
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Title of the Paper: Content Adaptation For Context-Aware Service
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Ying-Hong Wang, Chen-An Wang, Jui-Fa Chen, Jingo Chenghorng Liao
Email addresses of all the authors:,,,
Number of paper pages: 12
Abstract: The current and developing trend for consumers is to access web contents and applications anytime, anywhere, and on any devices. Most of Internet services and most of web contents have been designed for desktop computers, and often contain rich medias, such as images, audios, and videos. However, some devices are different from network connectivity, processing power, storage capacity, display size, and formative handling capability. In many cases, the content designed for computers is not suitable for new (and often mobile) devices. Therefore, content adaptation is needed in order to optimize the service for different devices and access methods. This research discusses the context issues for web content adaptation. The CC/PP and UAProf are two related standards that define the format to describe the capabilities of devices for accessing content. A context-aware environment should allow adaptive access to context information. In this paper, first we proposed an infe!
rence mechanism for context-aware service. Through this inference mechanism, users using different devices can get appropriate contents based on inference results. Second, we can demonstrate the correlation between classes and individuals, and provide better scalability by means of building ontologies. Lastly, SWRL depends on ontology based rule languages. Rules written based on SWRL can directly use an established object relationship from ontology.
Keywords: Context-Aware, Adaptation, SWRL, Inference, UAprof, Web Services
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