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Transactions ID Number: 20-554
Full Name: Ioan Sârbu
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Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Piata Bisericii, no. 4A, ap.3, 300233 Timisoara
Country: ROMANIA
Tel: 0040256403992
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Title of the Paper: Thermal rehabilitation of buildings
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Ioan Sârbu, Cãlin Sebarchievici
Email addresses of all the authors:,
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: One of main research direction on the construction field is the reduction of the energy consumption, which supposes materials, technology and conception of buildings with lower specific energy need on one hand and equipment with high performances on the other hand. Proper thermal rehabilitation of a building will lead to a significant reduction of heating energy demand offering a higher degree of comfort, and better condition for hygiene. At the same time the environment is less poluted. The energy saving depends on the initial building characteristics and the thermal rehabilitation level on one hand, and on the proper adjustment and control of the heating system on the other hand. In this paper is analyzed the main effects of building thermal rehabilitation, with implications upon heating energy consumption and upon comfort of the occupants.Thus, it is developed a computational model of optimum additional insulation thickness, taking into account the investment co!
st to improve thermal resistance of building envelope and operational costs as heating energy consumption.
Keywords: Buildings, Additional insulation, Thermal bridges, Operative temperature, Balance point temperature, Optimum insulation thickness, Energetical analysis.
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Special (Invited) Session: Effects analysis of building thermal rehabilitation
Organizer of the Session: 650-217
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